12 - 14 July 2019
One Wine Stand – Kavala Park Food Festival
Park Food Festival
One Wine Stand
Our "One Wine Stands" are Pop Up wine projects or else, an open-air wine bar connected to a point of our choice, usually different every time, calling all wine lovers to experience a different experience with their friends. A unique bar, music , branded wine and our TU Canteen, are combined so that our guests experience a different party for every taste! We create a "wine & street food bar" for half a day.
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Park Food Festival
Date & Time
12 July 2019, 18:00 - 23:30
A wine flight to Kavala, part II.
We participated as exhibitors at the Kavala Park Food Festival with the largest street wine bar you’ve ever seen!
🍷81 wines by the glass
3️⃣ days in the Park Food Festival in Kavala.
✌️Our guests tasted dozens of special wines from known & unknown Greek & French wineries.
🍣 We combined the wines with many & different kinds of food at the Park Food Festival.
📍12-13-14 July 2019 our TU Canteen traveled and shared smiles to many wine lovers!
We would like to thank you all of you who participated in our event!